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Saturday, November 23, 2013

ZNZ ONE, This program is still paying and paying and paying!


I have been seeing and hearing a lot of ZNZ  doesn't work,  I have to spend more money than i can get back on trials, It takes to long,......All I can say is Blah, Blah, Blah.  

If you want to make money you need to earn it.

I don't expect to go to my job in the morning collect my pay and leave.  That just sound silly doesn't it?  But time and time I hear this isn't working,  and when I ask what and how long someone has been working a strategy,  I hear,  "Well,  I, uh,  really haven't been doing anything and its been a week, and I thought...."  Come on!  Get serious.

Sign up look at the training go through the process lik

e it is a business, which it is.  Sign up for one of the trial offer for ZNZ One and cancel before the period if you don't like it.  You can then promote the ZNZ program and get $20 per referral.  How many people do you know that would like to make $20 just for giving away a credit card?  What?   Oh you didn't know about that part of the promotion. Take a look,

Alright enough of my rant.

If you want to make money and you need some extra cash for the holidays or when ever sign up for the programs  I would seriously do all the programs.

If only 3 people a week sign up, the pay is $330 with the bonuses!  just 3 people! Even if you only did that 1 a month, would an extra $330 help in anyway?

I put a video up at youtube also  Check it out if you want or just go to

At least take advantage of the free training and if you need help, email.

Thanks Have a great day! VR.  Alan